Source code for poppy.core.command

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import collections
from poppy.core.logger import logger

from poppy.core.generic.signals import Signal
from import argparse
from poppy.core.generic.metaclasses import ManagerMeta
from poppy.core.pipeline import Pipeline
__all__ = ["Command"]

def after_creation(cls, name):
    Some extra things to do after the creation of command classes (and not
    instances, this is not an error).
    # check that the class has the good attributes
    if not hasattr(cls, "__command__"):
            "The class {0} has no attribute __command__".format(name)
    if not hasattr(cls, "__parent__"):
            "The class {0} has no attribute __parent__".format(name)

[docs]class CommandManager(object): """ A class to manage the available defined commands by the user through the plugin command classes. """ def __init__(self): """ Create containers where to store defined commands. """ # containers self.commands = {} self.instancesByCommand = {} # tree of dependencies for commands self.tree = collections.defaultdict(list) # define the arguments specific to the pipeline self.pipeline_arguments = { 'settings': ( ['--settings'], {'help': 'The path to the settings file.'}, ), 'log_level': ( ['-ll', '--log-level'], { 'help': 'Specifies the amount information that the pipeline should print to the console ', 'choices': ('DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR') } ) } # signals self.added = Signal() self.created = Signal() self.generation_start = Signal() self.generation_stop = Signal() self.run_start = Signal() self.run_end = Signal()
[docs] def add(self, name, cls): """ Adds the command and its class to the manager. """ # register logger.debug("Register the command {0}".format(name)) self.commands[cls.__command__] = cls # add its dependence in the tree (none parent is the root tree) self.tree[cls.__parent__].append(cls.__command__) # send a signal of a new definition self.added(name, cls)
[docs] def create(self, instance): """ Register the instances of the commands by their name. """ # register logger.debug( "Register command instance {0}".format(instance.__command__) ) self.instancesByCommand[instance.__command__] = instance # send the signal of a new instantiation self.created(instance)
[docs] def generate(self, options): """ Given a first base subparser and the parents parser, generate the parsers for children commands recursively. """ # send signal that the generation is starting self.generation_start(options) # generate commands logger.debug("Generating commands hierarchy") self._generate() # send signal that the generation stopped self.generation_stop(options)
def _generate(self, subparser=None, start=None, parsers=None): # keep trace of the parsers generated by commands if parsers is None: self.parsers = {} # loop over children for command in self.tree[start]: # create an instance of the command instance = self.commands[command]() # generate the list of parent parsers used by the command if # provided by the user if hasattr(instance, "__parent_arguments__"): parents = [ self.parsers[name] for name in instance.__parent_arguments__ ] else: parents = [] # get the parser for the given command parser = instance.parser(subparser, parents) # add arguments to the parser from the user instance.add_arguments(parser) # by default run the instance when the command is called parser.set_defaults(run=instance) # keep trace of the parser self.parsers[instance.__command__] = parser # if the command has children, create a subparser and recall the # method recursively if instance.has_children(): # generate the subcommands for this command self._generate( instance.subparser(parser), command, self.parsers, )
[docs] def launch(self, argv=None): """ Launch the commands by parsing the input of the program and then calling the good command with the good arguments. """ # get arguments args, unknown = self.parse(argv) if unknown != []: logger.warning(f'There may be wrong/unused arguments : {unknown}') # a signal/hook to do something before running the command with the # parsed arguments self.run_start(args) # call the good command # a signal/hook to do something after running the command with the # parsed arguments self.run_end(args)
[docs] def parse(self, argv=None): """ Responsible to parse the command line, and also check the consistency of the tree of commands for the base command. """ # first check that the number of commands linked to the root that does # nothing is not greater than one. If it is not the case, several # parsers are defined and thus we are unable to define which one to # use. if len(self.tree[None]) > 1: logger.error( "Multiple parsers are defined for the commands. Cannot " + "decide which one to use." ) raise SystemExit(-1) elif len(self.tree[None]) <= 0: logger.error("No commands defined for the root command.") raise SystemExit(-1) # else parse the root parser return self.parsers[self.tree[None][0]].parse_known_args(args=argv)
[docs] def preprocess_args(self, argv): """ Preprocess options like --settings and --config. These options could affect the pipeline behavior, so they must be processed early. :param argv: :return: options, args """ logger.debug('Preprocessing of settings, log-level, etc. arguments') parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Preprocess some arguments.', add_help=False, allow_abbrev=False) for argument in self.pipeline_arguments.values(): parser.add_argument(*argument[0], **argument[1]) return parser.parse_known_args(argv)
def __getitem__(self, name): """ Get instance of command by its name. """ return self.instancesByCommand[name] def __contains__(self, name): """ Check if the instance of a command is present in the manager. """ return name in self.instancesByCommand
class CommandMetaclass(ManagerMeta): """ To manage the definition and instantiation of commands. """ def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Make the command instances as singletons. """ # check that the instance is already created or not if cls.__command__ in cls.manager: return cls.manager[cls.__command__] # create the instance as usual return super(CommandMetaclass, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Command( object, metaclass=CommandMetaclass, manager=CommandManager, after_creation=after_creation, ): """ Base class for all accepted commands for the pop command line program. """
[docs] def parser(self, subparser, parents): """ Return the parser for the command and options that this command must use. Take as argument the subparser from the parent parser. """ return subparser.add_parser( self.__command_name__, help=self.__help__, parents=parents, formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, conflict_handler="resolve", )
[docs] def add_arguments(self, parser): """ Used by the user to add arguments associated to the given parser. """ pass
[docs] def subparser(self, parser): """ Should return a subparser for this command. Not always called, just when the command has possibly subcommands to generate. """ if hasattr(self, "__command_name__"): command = self.__command_name__ else: command = self.__command__ return parser.add_subparsers( help="Sub-commands available for command {0}".format(command), )
[docs] def has_children(self): """ To know if the command has subcommands. """ # check that the command has subcommands return len(self.manager.tree[self.__command__]) > 0
[docs] def print_help(self): """ Print the command help message """ Command.manager.parsers[self.__command__].print_help()
def __call__(self, args): """ The command is called with its arguments as parameters, in order to have the possibility to run the succession of commands necessary. """ # create a pipeline instance pipeline = Pipeline(args) try: # setup the tasks self.setup_tasks(pipeline) # run the pipeline except NotImplementedError: # if no tasks are defined, print the help message self.print_help()
[docs] def setup_tasks(self, pipeline): """ Set up the task workflow """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def add_parent_parser(cls, name, parser): """ Used to add a parser with its options and be able to refer from a command, since the conflict handler of argparse is not well done, as many other things. """ # check that the parser with this name is not already present if name in cls.manager.parsers: logger.error( "Trying to add parser with name {0} while already defined" ) raise SystemExit(-1) # add the parser to the collection cls.manager.parsers[name] = parser
def __repr__(self): return "Command {0}".format(self.__command__) def __str__(self): return self.__command__
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